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About Us

Your personal team
of keyboard warriors

At Integr8, our team is passionate about all things IT & technology as well as supporting our customers’ success. Our core values and mission are centric to everything that we do. We believe that your success is our success.

Get to know us more
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Founded in 2022


Endpoints Under Management


Successfully Delivered Projects


Trees Planted
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Our mission is to empower our customers success through
the use of tech forward IT and connectivity solutions

Mission Statement

“In the era where businesses are built on increasing profit margins and revenue, we believe in doing things differently. Our business is built on providing our customers with the best possible solution within their budget, maximising your return on investment and supporting your businesses success.”

– Adam Worley, Integr8 Founder

Why we exist

In an industry full of jargon and error messages many of our competitors use aggressive contracts, oversell expensive products you don’t need and fail to deliver what you actually need for your business. We exist to challenge this, giving our customers what they actually need within the scope of both their requirements and budget.
Work with us

What to expect when you work with us


Access to the latest technology and solutions


To our mission and
our customers


Working with our customers to support their success


Provide the best knowledge and support available

Customer Service

We put our customers first to ensure their success

When you work with us you work with the planet

Our planet is in the process of being turned upside down by over consumption and deforestation, leading to strife for almost all life on earth. We know this is preventable. And we know it’s not going to save itself.

At Integr8 we are passionate about playing our part in the present for the benefit of the future. In an industry responsible for large amounts of electronic waste and energy usage we accept our responsibility to take action in reducing our footprint. That’s why we are proudly partnered with ecology to offset our carbon footprint by planting trees monthly and supporting sustainable energy projects. We also dispose of all electronic waste responsibly through a range of recycling schemes including donating usable hardware to charity for use in developing nations. When you work with us you can rest easy knowing we did our bit for the planet.

View our impact